The eating habits of a girl with absolutely no self-discipline. This is going to be a train wreck at it's finest, y'all.

Monday, November 8, 2010

30 by 30

It's on. No, really. It's on.

March is a mere 4 months away and it's the ever so traumatic 3-0. I've decided that as I'm sobbing dramatically in the corner about how it's only downhill from here, I would like to be sobbing 30lbs lighter. Yes, I'm now working to lose 30lbs by my 30th birthday.

This whole idea dawned on me while sitting in traffic on my way to work. Busy schedules of working full time, building a business in the after-hours, having a family and still maintaining a social life have always trumped any sort of health plan.

Not anymore.

Official start date is November 11th and I'll be taking this plunge with Katie Jo... my partner in crime for a lot of the projects I have going on around here. I'm going to be following the ever so popular Weight Watchers as closely as I can and documenting (as exciting as it sounds) what I'm shoving in my mouth.

Check the sidebar there to see what I've committed to and to watch my progress.
Let's do this.

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